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At Rome the museums,galleries and picture-galleries


Gallery of works of Raffaello,
Caravaggio, Bernini, Tiziano......


Gallery of works of Gentileschi,
Van Dyck, Rubens, Beato Angelico


Important roman collects of the after Renaissance

Arti Doria Pamphilj
Gallery entertains seventeenth-century masterpieces and ancient sculptures


Musei e gallerie vaticani
Guide and informations of the Christian city

Structured museum as a little city to child measure


Paste Alimentari
National museum of the food pastas

Arte Contemporanea
Show to works of great artists from the seventy years to today


Internazionale cinema e spettacolo
Museum on the cultural and artistic aspect of the cinema

Palazzo Braschi
The museum of the the eternal city


Casa di Goethe
Permanent show of Johann
Wolfgang Von Goethe

Teatrale del Burcardo
Italian theatrical library

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